By Chris Lee
The Indiana legislature has made great strides in protecting the Second Amendment Rights of law-abiding Hoosiers in recent years. That’s why it was surprising to learn of a “NO COMPROMISE” [www.indianafirearmscoalition.org] group elbowing their way into Indiana with empty promises to champion firearm industry issues and open pleas for donations.
In 2022, Indiana became the 22nd state to pass constitutional carry legislation into law with HEA 1296. In 2023, the legislature approved HEA 1008, which prevents the state from investing in ways that would prioritize Environmental, Social and Governance, or ESG-commitments, including any commitment to divest from companies that “Engages in, facilitates, or supports the manufacture, import, distribution, marketing or advertising, sale, or lawful use of firearms, ammunition, or component parts and accessories of firearms or ammunition.” In 2024, the Indiana legislature approved two significant pro-Second Amendment bills. The first was HEA 1084, also known as the “Indiana Second Amendment Privacy Act,” which will protect the privacy of Hoosiers that shop at firearm retail shops. The second was HEA 1235, which will put an end to the 25-year-old City of Gary lawsuit against the firearm industry.
As a Hoosier myself and as the Midwest Director of Government Relations – State Affairs for NSSF – The Firearm Industry Trade Association, I’ve been at the statehouse supporting good legislation and opposing bad legislation since I left the office of the late Congresswoman Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) back in 2019. She was deeply respected for her rock-solid commitment to Hoosier values, a trait that I’m proud to embrace from her mentorship. Over the last five years, I’ve learned what organizations and legislators do the actual work to support Second Amendment Rights of Hoosiers. Groups like the NSSF, NRA, 2A Project and the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association show up on behalf of Hoosier gun owners and in the case of NSSF, the Hoosier firearm industry.
I was surprised to hear earlier this month that a new organization that claims to be the “NO COMPROMISE” 2A group had sent a survey to candidates ahead of the upcoming primary.
I was surprised because I’d never heard of this group. They claim to be “Indiana’s biggest and most powerful gun group,” [www.indianafirearmscoalition.org] but in all the time I spend at the statehouse, I’ve never seen them there. There’s no evidence to show that the founders of this group reside in Indiana.
If you search the record of those registered to lobby in Indiana (as of April 2023), their organization does not show up. Over a dozen of Indiana’s most pro-2A legislators reached out to me after receiving the survey from this new group to ask “who is this group? I’ve never heard of them.” I was surprised again last week to learn that this “no compromise” 2A group was attacking some of the most conservative, pro-2A legislators of the Indiana House of Representatives, including Rep. Ben Smaltz and Rep. Jim Pressel.
I was surprised about all of this until I looked into this new “no compromise” organization and discovered that the people behind the group are not from Indiana. Instead, they are from out of state and run a network of over 24 organizations [ www.dorrbrotherscams.com ] across the country. Their scams have been covered heavily. They stoke anger and fear so that they can line their pockets.
When you see “no compromise,” you should think “no accomplishments” because they aren’t the ones doing the work to protect your rights. I implore Hoosiers to reject this scam organization.
Do the research before sending a check. Opinions are cheap. There are plenty available for free on any social media feed. Worse yet, don’t give away your voice at the ballot box to out-of-state interests that preach doomsday sermons. They don’t know Hoosiers, and they care more about collecting your money than preserving your rights.
About The National Shooting Sports Foundation
NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations, and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit nssf.org
Aaron Dorr is the main front man. Most articles mention two younger brothers, Ben and Chris, with his name. Add another brother now, Alex, and there’s a fifth scammer who isn’t a “Dorr”. A look at some of their sites show they’re all cookie cutter clones. Just change the state organization names, and the state HQ address. All of those addresses lead to a UPS Store private P.O. Box in a major city within the state. The UPS Store forwards all the mail arriving in that P.O. Box to another address (that the UPS store will not divulge). That’s how… Read more »
GOA is the true “No compromise” gun rights organization.
“Groups like the NSSF, NRA, 2A Project and the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association show up on behalf of Hoosier gun owners and in the case of NSSF, the Hoosier firearm industry.”
I know nothing about this new organization but I do know that the NSSF & NRA have a long history of supporting infringement so I’m inclined to see articles like this as more of an organization that is just upset that someone else is getting the money they feel entitled to. Until the NSSF becomes no compromise, it will continue to have no credibility.
Once a member of Missouri Firearms Coalition, and prior to the passage of SAPA, MFC was seeking donations to lobby Jeff City. An important function for any firearm organization no doubt, however, it is incumbent upon it to support such requests with fact based pros and cons. The literature accompanying the request for donation to support the passage of SAPA erroneously claimed it would “nullify” federal law. I personally sent an email to MFC asking exactly how passage of a State law could “nullify” Federal law? If that was the case, let’s declare the two most outrageous infringements upon Our… Read more »
I’ve seen some of this in my own in-box. They have the patter down and it looks legitimate. Fortunately, I contribute only to SAF and GRNC. But this crap could separate decent folk from their money while depriving legit groups of support. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
The man behind the Indiana Firearms Coalition scam organization is Aaron Dorr. He’s the same man that is behind the “Iowa Gun Owners” scam organization. Aaron and his brothers, Chris and Ben, are behind DOZENS of state-level scam organizations from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, etc. The full list of their scam organizations are listed below. https://www.dorrbrotherscams.com/ Alabama Firearms Association American Firearms Coalition Florida Gun Owners Florida Gun Rights Georgia Gun Owners Coalition Hoosier Gun Rights Idaho Second Amendment Alliance Indiana Firearms Coalition Iowa Gun Owners Iowa Pro Life Action Michigan Firearms Association Minnesota Gun Rights Minnesota Right to Life Minnesotans Against… Read more »